OSU Cheer & Brutus AlumniAnnual Golf Outing
Monday, August 21, 2023 at The Ohio State Golf Club
10:00 am shotgun start, 4 person scramble, with a luncheon to follow!
The Ohio State University Cheerleading & Brutus Support Team Athletes receive ZERO dollars from the university specifically for scholarships? Part of our Alumni Society mission is to help raise awareness and raise funds for the scholarships of these deserving athletes.
Annual Drive FORE Scholarship Golf Outing
The Annual Drive FORE Scholarship Golf Outing is our major fundraising event of the year, and we would love your support in any way possible. If you are interested in playing, great! If you would like to sponsor or donate, please feel free to reach out to us.
Go Bucks! Let’s Raise Money for Scholarships!